
Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Hey Hi:-)))))))

I`d like to tell you something that most of the people should do when they feel sad or worried. The life has some days goods and bads, but the most importand thing to be possitive is to grow the happiness, for these reason when something is going wrong in the job, studies or in general in the life, I recomended to see something that you really like and love a lot; for example right now I saw a wonderful pictures of my favorite band, and I feel a lot of possitive energy to continue doing my tasks, and go on in the live:)
Everybody, could do it, they are many things to change our behavours like watch a favorite movie, watch the wonderful sky and the nature or call or write to someone that is our good friend or Family, but do something that change the rutine and mood. It is true!!! you feel better when you do it.

To see something that is importand for you, will grow a new light in your heart!!!!

Es muy cierto, mirar algo que te levanta el ànimo y te hace ver que las cosas que suceden no siempre son negativas, sino que uno debe buscar su lado positivo y aprender de ello. Para ello es menester buscar algo que nos gusta mucho y que devuelve la alegrìa que lleva el corazòn:)
De esta manera, cuando te sientas deprimido, solo mira a tu alrededor y encontrars algo que realmente te va a subir el ànimo, no lo dudes, sòlo es cuestiòn de observar bien!!!!



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