
Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Hi Friends:))))

I haven`t enought time to write this days... I `m busy finishing some papers at UASB, but I`m here to share my point of view Where you can find your inner power to make your dreams come true?:)

All the people have dreams (goals)... big dreams, small dreams, or just a dreams but those are dreams, they are a special dreams for each person. When you have a goal(dream) in your life you have the power to change many things, not only your life change also the life of the others. It is a special kind of magic that the human being has in his or her heart. The power of light comes of the deep of the heart, people only need to look for inside and project it ... the result is done.

I hope to write the right structure of this sense. In summary I`d like to say that in your inner(heart) there is the light of the real power to create, to transform, to make, to change and all of these powers you need to mix with love for obtain the goals and dreams that you would like to reach:) You don`t need to look for outside, you have inside your own.

La esencia del ser humano es tan misteriosa que ùnicamente podemos encontrarla en cada una de nuestras experiencias diarias, es por ello que al analizar y tomar en cuenta cada uno de nuestros pasos; la vida en si misma nos hace darnos cuenta que dentro de nosotros existe ese poder interior que ignorabamos y que cuando se revela, en ese preciso momento nos convertimos en unos "actores del cambio".
Al proponemos alcanzar una meta, un logro mas, en aquel momento vamos a descubrir que la fuerza que tantos libros hablan proviene de nosotros mismos y que su nùcleo esta en nuestro interior, es ahì donde el corazòn cumple su funciòn primordial, el dar luz a nuestro ser espiritual, y despertar lo que en èl reposa, no sòlo la voluntad y persistencia sino fundamentalmente el Amor para logar un Sueño.

Amigos luchen siempre por sus sueños... :)))



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